Saturday, July 24, 2010


I once heard a saying and it got me to thinking. Why do we hold on to memories? Memories of a loved one... Well thats an easy answer.. Memories of a pet, of a husband/wife? Memories of mistakes? But the biggest one is memories of an ex love.. Yes I said it and to all you who are married,or in a relationship know what I am talking about. I have listened to many stories from friends and it has made me think why... Why do we hold on to this? Why is it so special? I mean there is a reason why its so special to us. But I think I have the answers we are all searching for and that would be the meaning of this blog. Just to get the wheels turning in our heads.I will share the quote first and go from there. Remember comments are always welcome. I am curious what other people think too....

I honestly think this quote is true. Memories NEVER change. We change, they change, it changes. Everything always changes. We look back and go... "Where did that body go" (lol) , or we may ask ourselves "what if". But there is not what if in memories. They are memories because that is what they are meant to be. I know that when my granny died memories is what brought me through it. It's been 7 years since she died and I still hold on to the memories I have of her. Thats a easy question to answer.I look back and remember how easy it use to be. Not having to worry about paying bills, health, weight, losing loved ones, working, etc. I remember when I was little I couldn't wait to be a grown up, now all I want to do is be little again. Have no worries. I often look at my yorkie and think. It must be the life to sleep all day, play when you want to, have someone clean up after you, feed you and love you. I think my bobo has the But I wouldn't trade my life for anything else. I have God, a husband (who is very nice to look at :), Great parents. What more can I ask for? But I think I am getting a little off subject. Back to the meaning of this I think when I hold on to memories is when I am feeling sad, or pissed, or looking for a change. But most of all they make me smile. Memories never change so we can always hold on to them as if thats the way it would have always been. Memories are wonderful and they are there for a reason. My husband often shares memories with me about his life and all the time I wasn't there ( I didn't know him) and I feel closer to him and learn about him from every memory that he tells me. Some memories bring you closer to the people who are in them. I know some of my bestest friends are my fondest memories. All in all we tend to hold on to memories because they never change.. Have a happy Sunday! God Bless

Also I just wanted to add a picture of my yorkie just to show his wonderful life.

Nite All :) Mitzi


  1. Very good Mitzi, I love you babe. I am and I always will be proud of you.

  2. You can do anything you set your mind to do. You are a very strong willed woman. You have all it takes to strive and do well in this life. Remember to say your prayers and be thankful for the blessings you have each day. There are always good things in your life you can find. I love you babe. More times than you could possibly know you gave the strength I needed to go on.
